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Policy Notice
Your privacy is important to us. Personal data is collected only for specific business purposes, namely to keep you informed about our products and services, and we do not share personal information with third parties. TECH4MED´s privacy is published in our site Your data protection rights are ensured by us. Any clarification or issues about privacy management should be directed to 

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Contact us

Tech4MED, Mundifios
Rua 25 de Abril, Nº 1697
Apartado 534
Ronfe, 4805-369 Guimarães

+351 22 030 1500

Policy Notice
Your privacy is important to us. Personal data is collected only for specific business purposes, namely to keep you informed about our products and services, and we do not share personal information with third parties. TECH4MED´s privacy is published in our site Your data protection rights are ensured by us. Any clarification or issues about privacy management should be directed to 

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Privacy Policy

TECH4MED has the commitment to process all personal data, in the context of its activities, in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

TECH4MED is committed to:
· Processing personal data only for the performance of TECH4MED business activities, namely to inform you about our products and services, and only collect and process the data strictly necessary.
· Ensuring that technical and organizational measures in place to ensure the application of GDPR requirements.

TECH4MED ensures data subjects that processing activities are: 
· Subject to lawful, fair and transparent treatment.
· Personal data is collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.
· Personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
· Kept only for the period necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
· Data is processed ensuring proper security controls, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful treatment and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.
· Whenever legally required, collect the informed consent of the data subject, obtaining previously authorization for explicit defined purposes.
· Communicate to the data subject, in accordance with the legislation, any anomalous situation that may occur and that cloud significant potential risks to their fundamental rights. 

Your privacy is important to us. Personal data is collected only for specific business purposes, namely to keep you informed about our products and services.We collect information about you from various sources, including information collected directly from you.  We do not share the user personal information with third parties, only when required by law and / or public authorities.

TECH4MED also ensure the following data protection rights to data subjects:
· Access to the personal data collected.
· Rectification, destruction or opposition to the treatment of your personal data.
· Know and be informed of the purposes for which personal data are processed, the period during which the data is processed, the identity of any recipients, the logic underlying the eventual automatic processing of personal data and, at least when based on profiles, their consequences.
· Receive personal data, in a structured format and commonly used, automatic and interoperable (capable of being read and treated by any organization), for transmission to another data processor.
· Complain to TECH4MED or the Local Authority any situation that you consider abnormal, regarding the protection of your personal data and privacy.
To grant data subjects rights, as well as for managing any other issues related to the protection of personal data, TECH4MED has designated an element with the formal role to manage privacy and data protection. Technical and organizational controls to protect personal data are in place and are subject to continuous improvement.Any clarification on issues about the privacy statement should be directed to


TECH4MEDmay update this policy. If you object to these changes, you must cease your use of our Website. The fact that you continue to use our Website shall indicate your acknowledgment and acceptance of such changes to the terms and conditions thereof.

The website TECH4MEDand all pages linked to that initiated by are managed by TECH4MED Consulting. All content contained in these pages may not be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any process or storage of information without permission of the TECH4MED Consulting.The use of any information on this site must be required to, so you can be, or not approved its use in other elements. All information and data used in the site were previously approved.We believe that the site contains no content that can damage the various systems that can be used to view it. If a problem occurs during your viewing is the responsibility solely of the visitor and TECH4MED can not be charged for damages and costs that might be. TECH4MEDreserves the right to prosecute individuals or organizations whose actions may affect this website.

This Privacy Statement applies to all sites, domains, information portals and records kept by the TECH4MED.
The process of maintaining a website is a process of evolution, and TECH4MED may decide at some future time, without notice, modify the terms of this Privacy Statement. Your use of this website or materials you have obtained indicates that you agree to the Privacy Statement at the time of such use. The Privacy Statement will be published in the existing site and where to check if there was any change at all visits.

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To obtain additional information or to learn more about our intellectual property portfolio or licensing opportunities, please contact us.

We’re a talented group of entrepreneurs, scientists, and engineers with a groundbreaking idea designed to contribute towards a better tomorrow. We provide smart solutions for healthcare problems and pride ourselves on our unparalleled products, and dedicated team. At Tech4MED, we believe that the right solution understanding and technological edge can lead society towards a successful future, healthier.

Contact us today to set up a meeting.
We would be pleased to deliver to you our Pitch Deck under a confidential agreement.

Not an Offer to Purchase or Sell Securities. This overview is for informational purposes and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in Tech4MED, the “Company” and/or any affiliates. Any offering or solicitation will be made only to qualified prospective investors pursuant to a confidential offering memorandum, and the subscription documents, all of which should be read in their entirety.
Tech4MED's business plan contains proprietary information. Neither our business plan nor any of the information contained herein may be reproduced or disclosed to any person without the written consent of Tech4MED.

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